Apple Cider Vinegar For Skin(Effective remedies)

Apple juice vinegar, a vinegar produced using matured squeezed apple. Know More.
Apple juice vinegar has numerous noteworthy medical advantages. We can use it not only for salads but also for our skin and health.

Apple cider vinegar is a boon for our skin especially if you are dealing with breakouts.
Here, I am sharing some benefits and remedies of apple cider vinegar for skin.

Apple cider vinegar for skin

ACV Toner For Acne And Pimples

In the event that you are battling from difficult acne and pimples, keep an apple juice vinegar bottle convenient.

Things you need

Apple Cider Vinegar
Spray Bottle

Directions for making a toner

Take a spray bottle.
Fill it a little more than half of the bottle.
Add apple cider vinegar to the remaining portion.
In lame words, you have to take 1/4th apple cider vinegar in 3/4th of water.


Because of its antibacterial and antifungal substance, apple juice vinegar helps in keeping your skin pores microscopic organisms, oil and residue free.

Points To Be Noted

Do not add more quantity of apple cider vinegar as it is quite acidic in nature. So, its overdose may harm your skin.

ACV For Dandruff

Dandruff occurs when the scalp becomes dry or greasy due to increase in the high level of yeast on our scalp and produces white flakes of dead skin.

Things you need

Apple Cider Vinegar
Spray bottle


Fill half of the spray bottle with water and fill another half with apple cider vinegar.
Apply it on your scalp after shampoo for 15 minutes not more than 30 minutes and then rinse it off.


It is antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal due to which it helps to get rid of dandruff caused by yeast infection.

Points To Be Noted

Do not take an overdose of apple cider vinegar.
Do not leave it for more time on your scalp.

Remove Discoloration Of Nails

Things you need

Apple cider vinegar


Take 1 cup water in the bowl.
Add 2 spoon apple cider vinegar.
Mix well.
Now, dip your nails into the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water for some time.


Removes the discoloration of nails and makes them look good.

Points to be Noted

Use carefully.
Do not use in excess quantity.

Get Rid Of The Bad Smell Of Your Feet

Nobody likes bad smell whether it’s of your feet or something else. Sometimes it becomes very embarrassing but here is a solution.

Things you need

Apple cider vinegar


Take some warm water in a tub.
Add half cup apple cider vinegar to it.
Add 1 spoon black salt.
Mix well.
Dip your feet into the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water for 15 minutes maximum.


It takes away bad smell from your feet and makes them germs free because it kills bacteria.

Neutralize Odor Of  Underarms

It’s quite embarrassing when bad odor comes from our underarms. People stay away just because of that foul smell. Use apple cider vinegar to reduce the odor.

Things you need

Apple cider vinegar
Rose Water
Spray bottle


Add both the things in equal quantity and put in the spray bottle for your convenience.
Apply after bath or whenever you feel to apply this to your body.


It kills the germs present on our skin.

Points to be Noted

Usage of the spray bottle is not necessary. You can apply the mixture by using cotton balls.

Reduces Sun Burn

Sunburn is our common problem. We spend money on buying cream to get good results faster but if you want to use a natural way or a cheaper way than use apple cider vinegar. It acts slowly on the sunburn spots, but it will give you results in two months if used regularly on the affected area.

Things you need

Apple cider vinegar


Mix both in equal quantity and apply on the affected area. You can use a spray bottle or cotton balls for applying this onto your skin.

Reduces Scar

Dirty pimples leave ugly scars behind them. If you want to get rid of those ugly scars naturally then apple cider vinegar is a miracle for you.

Things you need

Apple cider vinegar
Doctor tape


Take a small cotton ball.
Dip it in the apple cider vinegar.
Put this cotton ball on the scar and leave it for 10 minutes then wash it off.
Apply daily for fast results.


Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties.
It removes dirt and dead skin cells on the skin and heals the skin for the regeneration of new healthy skin.

Points to be Noted

Use carefully. It’s better to do a patch test.

Mole and Warts Removal

Some moles make your face look more attractive but when they grow in large number, they don’t make your face look good. Warts are the ugliest thing which can destroy your look.

Things you need

Apple cider vinegar
Cotton ball
Doctor tape


Dip a cotton ball into the apple cider vinegar and put on the mole and warts whatever you want to remove and put doctor tape on it then leave it overnight.
Repeat daily (if possible) for getting results faster. Apple cider vinegar will remove the mole but it will leave a scar behind.
It will take around two months to remove them. Basically, time depends on the types of moles and warts. Some may get remove faster or some may take more time.


It removes the mole and warts slowly. The mole will scab up and fall off leaving a scar behind.

Points to be Noted

If it irritates more then don’t apply on the skin as it is acidic in nature. It will burn the skin or it may cause irritation.

Disclaimer: Apple cider vinegar is extremely acidic in nature. Do not use it without diluting. 


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